BLOOD spots
Blood spots also known as Campbell de Morgan spots or Cherry Angiomas, are benign red spots on the skin and appear flat, raised or dome shaped. They are shiny and red and can vary from the size of a pin head to a 50 pence piece. The cause of Campbell de Morgan is unknown but ageing, hereditary reasons and sun damage is often cited. They are most common on the trunk of the body and on people over the age of 30.
ThermaVein® is a non-invasive approach to treating tiny red veins and vascular blemishes on the face and ankles. This is a highly effective, safe treatment that seals off the vein using a small micro current through a tiny needle touched to the skin. Large Campbell de Morgans may require more than one treatment.
Celluma® LED Light Therapy can be done in conjunction with ThermaVein® and will give you even better results if you suffer from any facial redness. It will also accelerate healing and reduce any redness post-treatment. Celluma® uses the latest generation LED phototherapy technology to target a range of skin conditions.